Community Umbrella Agencies are part of a citywide initiative known as Improving Outcomes for Children, led by the Philadelphia Department of Human Services. IOC focuses on permanency, well-being and safety of children and families. Community Umbrella Agency 3 is supported by Concilio. CUA 3 serves the Lower Northeast: 15th police district.

IOC principles include having more children and youth maintained safely in their own homes and communities; more children and youth achieving timely reunification or other permanence; a reduction in the use of congregate care; improved child, youth, and family functioning.

CUA services include Case Management, Behavioral Health, Workshops, Parenting Education, Resource Home/Foster Care, Adoption Services, Community Engagement, Parent Cafes.

As long as poverty, injustice & inequality persist, none of us can truly rest. It doesn’t take much to change a life. Get in touch today and start making a difference.